The Results are in...

The results are in for the Reader's Pick Sew-Along! And the winner is....
New Look 6097!
It was neck and neck between New Look 6097 (dress) and McCall 5894 (pants.) I have to admit I started to think about what fabrics I would like to use for the pants, but when the dress was chosen, I had to change my course!
If you don't have the pattern, place an order on the New Look website or head over to your local New Look retailer. We will begin sewing on April 7th. That will give you two weeks to get your pattern and fabric. It is not required to use Fabric Mart fabric, but if you want to, get your orders in ASAP to ensure you receive your fabric before April 7th! I will be doing a post on fabric choices tomorrow, so if you're unsure as to what fabric to use, I will help you tomorrow! I'm heading out right now to purchase a copy of New Look 6097.
I can't wait to get started. Will you be joining? Comment below if you plan on joining in the fun!
Posted on March 22 2014
I am definitely joining in!! Looking forward to your fabrics choices posting.
Yes!! I have both the pattern and a cool knit from Fabric Mart. :) I'm in!
Can't wait! This pattern is perfect for all body types
Beautiful dress! This sounds fun. :)
What a beautiful dress. This sounds like a lot of fun. Can't wait! :)
Count me in! I've had this pattern for ages, and am certain that there's an appropriate knit from Fabric Mart in my stash. Sounds like lots of fun :D
Hooray! I am looking forward to this Sew-A-Long. I've got my pattern and (FabricMart!) fabric and am ready to go
Yes, I'm planning on entering. Just ordered the pattern.
I'm in, have the pattern, a muslin done, and some fabric, so yippee.
I added this here!
Thanks Stephanie! I didn't know there was a Sew-Along calendar!
Peer pressure is a terrible thing. If I already had the pattern I would follow, but i have too many other projects with deadlines in the next few weeks. I'll be watching, though!
Sounds like a lot of fun… Can't wait!
Just ordered the pattern, none of the local places had it, and praying that it gets here on time! So excited to start though!
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