Reader's Pick Sew-Along #4 - Pockets and Skirt

So how is everyone doing? I know some of you might have played catch up over the weekend. Any issues you need to discuss? Let me know, I'd be happy to help!
Whether you're sewing along or just watching from a far, check out our Flickr page. Participants have uploaded photos of the fabrics they are using.
Today's step is quite easy. I don't have very much advice on this one, but I do have photos of some steps! Find your pocket pieces. With right sides together, place one pocket on the skirt front and stitch. Press seam toward pocket. You will need to under-stitch the pocket. What does understitch mean? You are actually stitching the seam to the pocket. The stitch is not visible from the outside. It is there to hold your pocket inside the skirt. You don't want a floppy pocket on a pretty dress!
Once you have under-stitched, press the pocket to the inside and pin the pocket and top-stitch.
Fold your pocket piece in half, matching notches. Stitch along the bottom of the pocket. Now you've created your pocket! Baste the top and side pocket to your skirt so that you have a completed skirt front.
Stitch the front and back skirts together.
That's all for today. It's nice to have an easy step for a Monday! You can get these steps done in 30 minutes or less!
Posted on April 14 2014
Do you use a stretch stitch to top-stitch like with the seams? And with the understitching?
Well, I did some research and in Nancy Zieman's book about sewing with knits, I found to do understitching with a triple zigzag, so yes, I will use a stretchy stitch for that. The top-stitching shows so much, that I'm still a bit unsure about… I don't think top-stitching with a zigzag would look great :) but having top-stitching popping wouldn't be great either. Or, is that an issue for top-stitching since it probably isn't stretched so much?
Hi Angela,
I guess my reply to your previous question never made it! I was doing it from my phone and I have issues with blogger on my phone at times.
The stitch that I use for sewing knits is ever so slightly zig-zagged, that you don't even know that it is zig zag. I will post a photo of my top stitching so you can see. I even used the same stitch in the hem and you don't know the difference. Test the top-stitching on a scrap piece so you can see what it will look like.
I'm about a week and a half behind. When is the deadline anyway?
Thanks so much for your Seams Great seam binding recommendation the other day. I wouldn't have known what to purchase at JoAnn's.
Speaking of purchases, what kind of elastic should I buy? JoAnn's has knit and … I think one was woven. The lady at the store couldn't help me b/c she didn't know EXACTLY what I was sewing (though I told her it was a wrap dress with a knit fabric).
Hi Annie, the deadline for entering the drawing for $50 will be two weeks after we finish. I'm giving people a little time to catch up at the moment, but plan on posting something tonight.
Glad the Seams Great worked out! I would recommend the knit elastic because it is usually softer. I had the woven elastic in my stash, so I used that, bu would have preferred knit elastic. The woven is just a little stiffer.
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