Meet Vivian, Our Newest Fabric Mart Fabricista!

Everyone meet Vivian, also known in the sewing world as Vivmom. She is our newest Fabricista! Vivian will be sharing her makes on her YouTube channel & we will be sharing them with you here as well. Before we get to watching her first make, we thought we would share a quick Q&A...

My name is Vivian and I'm a mom of 3, hence my user name Vivmom. I've been married to Brad for 34 years, we live outside of Washington, DC. I home schooled my kids and two have graduated from college with honors, the last has just graduated high school. Now I've got free time to sew!
2.) How did you get started on YouTube?
I started my YouTube channel in June of 2018, at the encouragement of my kids. I believed that maybe 50 people might see it, kind family members and some friends. No one is more surprised than I am about the response to Vivmom Sews. It has been the most gratifying experience and I have met absolutely sterling people along the way.
3.) When/How did you learn to sew?
I learned to sew like many others: my mom sewed, and sewing was part of my 7th grade Home Ec curriculum. Mom really filled in the blanks, though, and encouraged me in high school to save up for my own sewing machine. I saved $70 and purchased a 1957 Singer Featherweight that I still have, and it still works like a champ!
4.) Give us an organizational tip:
Organizational tip: purchase a small silk (or similar poly) artificial flower arrangement, put it on your sewing table and use it to hold your hand-sewing needles. Pushing the needles through the fabric petals will keep them sharp and then you always know where they are when you need one. And it's pretty!
5.) What sewing machine do you work with? Do you own more than one?
The sewing machine I work with most is a Brother Simplicity SB3129. I have my Singer Featherweight and 3 vintage Kenmores, all in fine working condition. I also love my Brother 1034D serger.
6.) How much time do you spend in your sewing room?
I converted our dining room into my sewing studio 2 years ago and I'm in there all the time! It's right on the main level of our house and lends itself to long sewing sessions or just short bursts because it's right there. My favorite thing to do is spend time in there late at night, matching fabrics with patterns.
7.) Give us three words that describe your sewing style:
Three words that describe my sewing style: 1. Dedicated 2. Careful 3. Flexible
8.) Where do you get your inspiration for your projects?
I get my inspiration for my projects from the pattern envelopes. I choose whatever I think would look good on me (inverted triangle; I have to be careful of top-heavy garments with big short sleeves or collars.) I own many pattern "counter books" and spend hours going through them. I love new pattern releases, and I love scrolling for vintage (1960's) patterns on eBay and Etsy. I don't follow trends or really even look at RTW, trusting that the pattern companies have their collective finger on the pulse of current fashion. In fact, they often precede fashion trends. The wealth of pattern choices is comprehensive and truly inspirational.
9.) What was your first successful project?
My first successful project was a Simplicity Jiffy sundress in 1978. I can still see the fabric - a green check - and it had shoulder ties. I have been looking for that pattern for 3 solid years and have never found it!
10.) If you could pass along only one piece of sewing advice, what would it be?
One piece of sewing advice: Keep sewing. No project is a waste of time, even if it ends up in "File 13." You gain knowledge with every project, every mistake, every triumph -- but you're only going to get there if you keep sewing!
And without further delay here is Vivian (Vivmom Sews) with her first make...

Fabric used: Berry Rayon/Nylon Shimmer Satin - Famous Dress Designer - 58W
Pattern: New Look 6617
Posted on September 12 2019
VivMom is awesome. She has inspired this retired seamstress to start sewing again. I am now disabled and have arranged for a little assistance. Your reasonably priced fabrics are just the ticket on a fixed income. Making it happen. I'm excited!
So awesome! I have followed her for quite a while on YouTube. I was very excited when she announced she was asked to be a Fabricistas! Love her so many looks in so many minutes videos.
I love vivmomsews she's inspired me so much. I've watched her videos and she's so sunny in teaching you to be confident, to sew and try new things. I love her quirky style and her choices of fabric. I live in England United Kingdom. I love her monthly makes, this lady has bags of style.
You make me laugh so much. I agreee with just about all you say. Love your enthusiasm, its infectious.
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