Me-Made-May: I'm Giving it a Try!

I bet you've been wondering where I've been?! Between work and home, I've been keeping myself REALLY busy! I've had a few fabric buying/selling trips in the past two weeks and at home, I hosted a Mother's Day dinner, worked in my yard, set up my vegetable garden and trying to keep up with the daily grind. My husband and I have also been planning small getaways for various weekends throughout the summer, so we had our first this weekend to Gettysburg, PA!
Before May began, I really wanted to participate in Me-Made-May. I wanted to make a real effort to wear my handmade clothes and learn to love them (if I didn't care for them all that much.) But with everything that was going on, I just didn't want to add more to my schedule or put pressure on myself. It was just more to think about on a daily basis! But after reading some of the pledges, I came to the conclusion that I can set myself really small goals! So here is my goal:
So I have two pledges--remember how I said I didn't want to put too much pressure on myself? Well I didn't give myself a number of items I planned to sew, so if I only make one, it's ok! Three garments seemed to be attainable, so I wanted to give it a try.
I'm three weeks into the challenge. How am I doing?
I've been able to keep up with wearing at least three handmade garments every week. Actually it was a little harder than I thought. I don't have enough casual garments appropriate for the weather to get through the month! So I'll definitely be re-wearing some of my creations. I was really surprised by this because I felt like I would have more than enough to get me through the month. Here are my downfalls: I have a lot of dresses and skirts that are not suitable for everyday wear. To fulfill the pledge, I was able to get away with some of the dresses for an event or two and going to church. This definitely brought to my attention the fact that I need more casual things in my wardrobe! I need basics! (And rid of the not so great RTW basics in my closet.)
This is only a few of the items I have worn in the past three weeks. A few of the other items I never blogged about and forgot to take photos when I wore them! I wear my Minoru Jacket a lot, almost everyday! It is so comfortable and perfect for the cool mornings and breezy days.
The other part of my pledge was to sew only with Indie Sewing Patterns. This has been really easy because I stock piled a few in the previous months. And what patterns do I want to make in the near future? Casual is key!
Currently on the sewing machine:
Before May began, I really wanted to participate in Me-Made-May. I wanted to make a real effort to wear my handmade clothes and learn to love them (if I didn't care for them all that much.) But with everything that was going on, I just didn't want to add more to my schedule or put pressure on myself. It was just more to think about on a daily basis! But after reading some of the pledges, I came to the conclusion that I can set myself really small goals! So here is my goal:
I, Julie from Fabric Mart Fabricistas, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '14. I will wear at least one handmade garment, three days a week, for the duration of May 2014. I also pledge to sew using only indie patterns for the entire month of May.
So I have two pledges--remember how I said I didn't want to put too much pressure on myself? Well I didn't give myself a number of items I planned to sew, so if I only make one, it's ok! Three garments seemed to be attainable, so I wanted to give it a try.
I'm three weeks into the challenge. How am I doing?
I've been able to keep up with wearing at least three handmade garments every week. Actually it was a little harder than I thought. I don't have enough casual garments appropriate for the weather to get through the month! So I'll definitely be re-wearing some of my creations. I was really surprised by this because I felt like I would have more than enough to get me through the month. Here are my downfalls: I have a lot of dresses and skirts that are not suitable for everyday wear. To fulfill the pledge, I was able to get away with some of the dresses for an event or two and going to church. This definitely brought to my attention the fact that I need more casual things in my wardrobe! I need basics! (And rid of the not so great RTW basics in my closet.)
This is only a few of the items I have worn in the past three weeks. A few of the other items I never blogged about and forgot to take photos when I wore them! I wear my Minoru Jacket a lot, almost everyday! It is so comfortable and perfect for the cool mornings and breezy days.
The other part of my pledge was to sew only with Indie Sewing Patterns. This has been really easy because I stock piled a few in the previous months. And what patterns do I want to make in the near future? Casual is key!
Currently on the sewing machine:
Abby Cardi by StyleArc
I am a huge fan of StyleArc Patterns. Since they are coming from Australia, I buy a number of patterns at one time. I want to get the most out of my shipping costs! I've made the Abby Cardi before. This time I'm making it out of a lightweight Missoni-look Sweater Knit.
Up and coming:
I still want to tackle pants. I started some pants in early spring, but have yet to finish them. I'd like to try the Clover by Colette Patterns. Reviews on this? What do you think about it?
I also would like to make some casual tops for spring/ summer but do not have any in mind at the moment.
Who else is participating in Me-Made-May? How are you fulfilling your pledge?
Posted on May 19 2014
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