Made by a Fabricista: Winter Travel Wardrobe: Part 1

Planning a vacation is so much fun, and even more so when you can sew and get to plan your travel wardrobe. This is part 1 of a 2 part post, and I'm keeping my destination a surprise until the 2nd post when I plan to show you the wardrobe on location! I will give you a few hints, and maybe you can guess.
It's a big city, and the temperature is going to be in the high 50's during the day and the low 40's at night. I read where the people in this city dress mostly in black, grey and brown during the winter months. So, to fit in with the locals, I decided to go with a black/grey/brick red color palette. Fabric Mart had one fabric that had all of these colors in it, and that is what I used as my centerpiece for the wardrobe plan:
This fabric was heavy enough to be a midweight coat, and I chose Butterick 6384 for my pattern. I realize that using a print for a coat is a bit crazy, but this city is used to avant garde artists and architects (hint #1).
I trimmed it with real leather, and found this great toggle on Ebay to use as a closure instead of a belt. It's lined with this heavy black satin.
I then set my mind to making everything else. First up, (since I still had black thread in the serger), was a very basic black turtleneck. This was a fleece lined knit and I used Butterick 6389 for the base, but then lengthened it and made it more swingy. I think it looks super dressy with these pearls that I picked up at a local resale store. But really, it feels like a sweatshirt, so it is crazy comfy. I'm showing everything with a black skirt, but I will likely be wearing leggings with everything.
For my second tunic, I chose a grey french terry type knit and used McCall's 7435. This is a great tunic, because the cowl is actually also a hood! It also has a really nice shaped hem. I figure that I will wear this on the plane so that I can pull it up over my head and sleep during the long plane ride over the Atlantic ocean (hint #2).
For my 3rd tunic, I used one of the pre-cut fabrics- a brick heathered knit. For this one, I used Simplicity 8265. Just a very basic tunic with side slits. I like how it gives a nice canvas for necklaces. Also, this city serves a very popular alcoholic beverage with fruit that will blend in with this color, should I spill any on myself. (Hint #3)
And for my last tunic, I decided to go with a striped charcoal grey and white pique knit. I thought something sporty would be appropriate, as this city is crazy about football (hint #4)! This is lightweight, but it has both silk and wool in the fabric content, so I think it should still be warm. I decided to place the stripes vertically and added patch pockets at the front and a fold over neckband.
Here's a closer look at the fabric:
I'm a little worried that the coat will be too hot during the day if the sun is shining, so I decided I should take some fleece vests as an alternative. I had purchased a quilted red fleece and a black corded fleece during one of Fabric Mart's fleece sales. For the red one, I used Butterick 6388. I like how the color on the wrong side shows with this design.
For the black fleece vest, I added patch pockets to Simplicity 8217.
The bands are made with a faux suede knit, that I also used to make leggings.
And lastly, I had enough of the brick heather knit to make a dress, so I decided to make one that I have been wanting to try for a while Butterick 6241. Some would say that this shape is "gawdy", but that would be a very high compliment in this particular city (hint #5).
Here's how it looks with the opened coat:
And lastly, here are the charcoal grey faux suede leggings, and jewelry to "tapas" off the looks (hint #6!). My other pair of leggings will be a basic black.
To sum it all up, my destination city is known for it's unique architecture, modern art, sports, delicious (but small) foods, and stylish citizens. Can you guess where I'm going? I'll be back next month with photos to see if you guessed right. I'll also let you know if my wardrobe plan worked well or not!
Happy Sewing!
Posted on December 17 2016
Have fun in Barcelona.
I love to see wardrobe combinations and you have done a beautiful job! I think you are going to Madrid and oh I am sure it is going to be wonderful! Can't wait to see your wardrobe pictures on location! Thanks for the inspiration.
Sounds wonderful!! Guess you going to Barcelona!! If so, enjoy, it is an amazing city!!
Wow Ann! STUNNING! My thought is that you are going to Paris, but that's just a guess! Can't wait to see these on you!
Sue :)
Have fun in Barcelona! :)
Oh and you'll be very well dressed for the locals!
You won't look like a tourist at all. :)
(I spent November in Barcelona … Enjoy!!!
Wow! This is such a fabulous and well-thought-out wardrobe. Every piece is creative and, as a fellow traveller, will be worn. My guess city is Barcelona. Karen
Oh, and your clothes are lovely for anywhere!
My guess is Barcelona. Beautiful wardrobe!
I'm sure you're going to Madrid. All the hints fit. I've never been but would like to go. Looking forward to seeing the wardrobe on location.
Barcelona! Have a great time in your fabulous wardrobe. So envious!
Wonderful, inspiring post. Love your wardrobe options, lots of mix and match. Have a wonderful time in…..BARCELONA!
Barcelona! Have a great time!
Barcelona. Gaudi, sangria, etc.
Great capsule wardrobe! I'm planning a trip in January, so I found your article very timely. Are you going to Barcelona?
I love your choices. I'm guessing you're visiting Barcelona and it's fabulous architecture by Gaudi. I love that city.
Barcelona!! Beautiful clothes for a beautiful city :-)
:) Stunning collection and well thought out, enjoy Barcelona!
Gotta be Barcelona-if I win, can I go with you? Very appropriate wardrobe for Europe.
What a superb collection! And thank you for showing me B 6241 made up. It's on my to-do list, and now I'm even more ready to see it.
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