Made by a Fabricista: The Cold Shoulder Top

Hey, guys! I'm baaaaack! And look at me, I am totally on trend with my sassy new cold shoulder top. I have never put one of these sort of tops on my body ever in my life until I finished sewing this one, I had no clue if I'd even like it. Surprise, I think I do?!

I chose this double border rayon challis print. I was so nervous I'd ruin everything with my pattern matching, so I ordered 3 yards. Likely I only needed 2 1/4 at most considering I was able to take advantage of the fact it was a double border... each side was a mirror image of each other. See the pic on the right, you can see how the pattern is actually printed on the material. Lots of leeway for those who may be anxious when matching prints up like this.
I looove sewing with rayon challis. Initially, I need to wrangle it since it's so slippery--I need to be careful to cut it perfectly straight as I prepare the pattern pieces with my rotary cutter. But it goes through my serger and sewing machine so nicely. It presses up beautifully-- which makes hemming super easy. Pre-washing IS CRITICAL since it will shrink up some. And I severely dislike ironing if it's not associated with sewing. Usually I can toss it in the wash, then remove it from the dryer immediately and hang it for a wrinkly free garment. It'll be a hot wrinkly mess if I leave it in the dryer for any length of time after it's done tumbling.
I was (sort of) surprised that the Burda directions fail to include understitching for neck or shoulder pieces. But then again, it's Burda, infamous for half-@ssed directions. This top is pretty easy to sew up, but it would seem to be frustrating for a newer seamstress to have only partial directions.
Overall, I'm pleased with this trendy look. I was mostly worried it would look like a weird pregnant top that adds mega pounds to a figure. I think it's not particularly slimming for sure, but it's super cute none-the-less.
Posted on April 15 2017
Really lovely top! I've been thinking about sewing it also, and now I think it'll go on my to-sew list for sure. You chose beautiful fabric, and it hangs really nicely! I'm also very tall (5'11") so I'll keep it in mind to add a few inches to the hem. 👍
You have made this fabric look great. This top sure will dress up with body skimming trousers or a fitted skirt. I love this border print. Did you pre-wash the fabric?
You look fabulous in this top! Love the cold shoulder trend!
I love the fabric and the cold shoulder look. You wear it well. It looks great with shorts and could be worn with a skinny leg jean too. Like you I am tall and would have to add length. Thanks for sharing the tip.
Top came out super cute and the print works really well with the cut of the top. Here is another example of a fabric that I'm sure I passed up and it's really cute.
This looks great on you. I don't know if it's slimming, but it definitely doesn't add weight. I love it on you!
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