Made By A Fabricista: Tennis Apparel Chic

Hi everyone! I’m back again joining you today with another blog. As of lately, I have been participating in various physical activities to improve my health such as: running, Pilates, strength training, etc. I love wearing spunky/cute workout wear, because we still want to be fashionable at the gym right?! It dawned on me that I have never made any activewear, so I decided to give it a try.
This year it feels like tennis outfits/skirt & pickleball outfits have been all the rage. I have recently seen them in all of the major stores. Not only are they adorable to wear, but they are multifunctional (at least in my eyes). You can of course play tennis/pickle ball in them, workout in them, or just have an everyday wear in them.
For this outfit, I did not use a commercial pattern. For the skirt pattern, I had an old pleated skirt that I got the measurements from & created the pattern from that. When freelancing a pattern, it’s always important that you add seam allowance & you measure thoroughly so that you do not make mistakes.
For the shirt, I created the pattern using an old shirt that I had. I traced around the shirt using a tracing wheel & some construction paper to mark around it. Once everything was outlined onto the paper, I graded the lines & made sure all the curves & measurements were properly done before cutting out.
The hardest thing about making this garment was actually creating the pattern. I searched high & low for a sewing pattern that was already made to look similar. I couldn’t find one anywhere. The actual fabric from Fabric Mart was extremely easy to work with & it was the most beautiful pattern. For activewear I tend to wear more neutrals, but this was too gorgeous to pass up! The best thing about active wear/stretch material is that it is very giving; meaning, if you mess up there is an easier solution than if you messed up sewing with a woven material.
I absolutely loved the final results. While this was my first time making activewear, I felt the outfit was very true to me. I can honestly say that I can see myself wearing this around a lot. Initially when I was creating this outfit I went for a different silhouette & styled dress & I’m sure glad that it didn’t work out with the other garment, because I am thrilled with this one.
MACY | @macycamile
Unfortunately Fabric Mart Fabrics sell out quickly!
You can find similar fabrics by shopping the following categories: ACTIVEWEAR.
Your skirt is wonderful, I love the classic pleats.
You did a fabulous job drafting and creating this look. This would be cute in solids too, but the fabric is a stunner! It takes it over the top. Thanks for the inspiration!
Very stylish Macy. Amazing that you drafted the pattern yourself! Terrific fabric choice too.
Your skirt is wonderful, I love the classic pleats.
You did a fabulous job drafting and creating this look. This would be cute in solids too, but the fabric is a stunner! It takes it over the top. Thanks for the inspiration!
Very stylish Macy. Amazing that you drafted the pattern yourself! Terrific fabric choice too.
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