Made By A Fabricista: Casual in Camo Hoodie Dress

Hi Guys! As this year comes to an end, this is my last Fabric Mart post. I had a great time sharing my #FabricMartMakes with you all as a Fabricista.
For my final make I decided to make something cute and comfy and just a little warm for the mild South Florida winters. I used McCall’s M7634 with a few modifications. This pattern is great because you can make a hoodie sweater with different views, shorts, pants or the hoodie dress. There are also different pocket options as well. This is also a great pattern for beginners because there aren’t too many pattern pieces and comes together pretty quickly. You can even serge most of the seams if you wanted to.
Since there were so many different options I could make, I mixed view C and D together. The first modification I made was not to use the front facing that would be used for the eyelets. I decided to leave it closed so I just cut the front completely on the fold, not making the neck opening. I used the front pocket from view C and finished the hem with ribbed knit like in view D. I thought it would give the dress a sportier look, which I love.
Making Custom Trim
Customizing the stripe you see on the side of the dress is very simple using grosgrain ribbon. You can use a variety of colors and you can also choose to layer two colors, like I did. I chose to use black and white grosgrain ribbon. Make sure the ribbon being used on the top is smaller than the ribbon on the bottom so that you can see it underneath. There are several ways you can do this. One way would be to use a glue stick to adhere the two pieces of ribbon together.
To make my trim I cut 2 pieces of ribbon for each shoulder and the length of each the sleeve. A tip I can give you to help you align the 2 pieces of ribbon on top of each is to cut notches on each end of the ribbon. To do so, fold the ribbon in half and cut a small notch at the end. Place on top of each other and sew down each side of the ribbon.
The fabric I chose for this project is this Vivid Red/Black/Deep Maroon Polyester/Lycra Camouflage Print Sweater Knit 58W. I knew I wanted to use a sweater knit of some sort and I simply went to the Fabrics section at the top of the site and searched by Sweater and there it was. This super cool camo print red fabric that I knew would be perfect for my hoodie sweater. This fabric has the right amount of stretch and washes very well. There’s still plenty of this fabric left so make sure you pick some up for your next project.
This year has certainly flown by and I’ve really enjoyed my time with you all. It was really an honor to be part of the Fabric Mart Fabricistas and I took my responsibilities very seriously. With each post I wrote I wanted to make sure I included a sewing tip or tutorial to help you on your sewing journey and I really hope I was able to help. Make sure you stay in touch and follow me on my blog and social media channels. Until we meet again!
Unfortunately Fabric Mart Fabrics sell out quickly!
You can find similar fabrics by shopping the following categories: SWEATER KNITS & KNITS.
Your tip about the ribbon trim is great. I have learned so many creative tips from you and the rest of the Fabricistas featured here this year. I love your new sweater dress. Happy Holidays to you.
Too cute😍
I liked the way you customized your hoodie dress. I made a hoodie dress but yours is really pumped up.
The next one I make up it will be important to upgrade it with details like you added.
Love it 😍
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