Inspiration: Sewing Kit Gift

Whenever a friend of mine gets married, I like to get them a special gift. I'm one of the few of my friends that sews and I know that many of them do not have sewing kits. You don't have to be a seamstress to have a sewing kit. Everyone will need to sew a button back on a shirt, everyone will have to fix a hole in their jeans and everyone will have to hem pants sometime in their life. 

The first time I gave a sewing kit as a gift, my friend graciously accepted. A few months later when we talked, she admitted that she thought she would never use it, but already had to fix a few items in her closet! I was very pleased that she was able to use it even when she thought she would not. From that point forward I decided that everyone should have a sewing kit! 

Here is a list of things I include in the kit: 

- Sewing Box (Available at many discount and craft supply stores.)
- Pack of Hand Needles (various sizes)
- Basic color thread (White, navy, black, tan)
- Pins
- A few basic buttons in a jar

As you can see, I select basic tools rather than some of the fancy notions that are available. Why spend the money on specialty notions if the person receiving them might not use them often, or even know what to do with them for that matter!

Is there anything I missed?
Comment below items you would include in the sewing kit!

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  • Author image
    Unknown: June 14, 2013

    a few safety pins, some buttons, and some black or navy blue thread

  • Author image
    Divamazon: June 17, 2013

    Definitely safety pins! Great giveaway!!

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