How to: Follow us!

Being new to the social media scene can be confusing and overwhelming. But don’t let it discourage you! Fabric Mart offers various social media options to keep you informed and inspired. If you need a little kick start or a refresher course in how to do this, this is the post for you! We’re going to show you how to become a follower of our blog through Facebook and Pinterest using the social media accounts you already have!
How to follow from the Blog itself:
Good news! If you are reading this post you are inches away from following us!
On the left side bar there is a "Followers" gadget.
By clicking "Join this site" you will be taken to a page that gives you several options for which account you can use to sign in and follow us.
The most popular being Google, Twitter, or Yahoo.
By following us here, you will be able to see our posts from your page.
We use Google Reader to stay up to date on our favorite blogs. It allows you to read all of the blogs you subscribe to from one main site.
You could use this reader by signing in with your Google account.
Follow the blog using your Facebook:
Facebook is very common and a great way to keep up with not only friends, but your favorite businesses and blogs.
Yet, even for an accomplished Facebook user, the new apps and timeline layout can make it difficult.
Start by visiting our Facebook page.
You can follow our blog directly from Facebook. Just under the header there are apps. Click on the Fabric Mart blog app. This will take you to that Networked Blogs app which will allow you to read a preview of our post right from Facebook. Clicking on the title or picture will take you to our blog where you can read the post. By following us from this page you will not only be able to see our blog posts from Facebook, but also be informed when a new post is up from your newsfeed.

Sounds great right?! Just click "Follow" on the top right of the Networked Blog page.
Use your Pinterest to see our new posts and repin them:
Pinterest has been all the rage lately, but many are still missing out on the scene.
Pinterest is like an online file folder for all of your inspiration.
You can create an account by signing in with your Facebook or another account.
We understand and challenging the social network can be, so please email us if you have any questions:
We would be happy to help you follow our blog.
Happy following!
You can create an account by signing in with your Facebook or another account.
By following our Pinterest you can check out our categories and even find our blog posts in the appropriate Pin Board categories. When we pin a new blog post you will be able to see it in your newest pins section. You can repin our blog posts to your own boards or if you are reading our blog
and you like something you see, you can pin it to your Pin board right from our site using the pin app from Pinterest. This is a great way to revisit it later or share your find with your followers on Pinterest.We understand and challenging the social network can be, so please email us if you have any questions:
We would be happy to help you follow our blog.
Happy following!
Posted on August 29 2012
How can I follow your blog using Feedly? I've tried entering the web address, but it's not being recognized….
Rose in SV
Hi Rose!
Thank you for asking, I spent some time trying to find our blog on feedly and I think I finally got to a page that allowed me to add it to my list. Try this url:
Hope that works!
Thank you for reading us!
Thank you! I will try it!
Yay! I'm in!
Rose in SV
Thank you for following us!
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