Fit-Along Contest Extended and Update!

This is just a friendly reminder about the two contests we're sponsoring right now. We have two changes to the contest -- extended end date and additional prize until Contest #2. See below for details.
Both contest deadlines have been extended to May 14 with winners being selected on May 16. Some needed a little bit more time to finish their wrap dresses, so that's why we're extending the deadline.
Here's a copy of the contest info.
We're having two contests!
Contest #1: Purchase one of the fit-along kits between April 11 and April 30th, and be entered into a drawing for sewing prizes! Winner will be picked at random. Contest ends April 30th, 2016. One entry per person. If you order more than one kit, you will NOT have that number of entries. You will have one entry only. Two winners will be selected on May 2nd. Winner will receive one of two prize packs.Prizes Available:
1) A Julie's Picks Swatch Club Membership ($50 value)
2) Fit for Real People Book by Pati Palmer and Marta Alto ($30 value) & $20 Gift Certificate to Fabric Mart.
Contest #2: Finish those wrap dresses! Submit a photo of your finished McCall 7246, wrap dress to and you will be entered to win a $50 gift certificate for Fabric Mart and a Palmer/Pletsch Interfacing Pack including PerfectFuse Interfacing (Sheer & Light weights)
No need to have purchased the fabric from us. Just submit your photo, that's it! Of course we would love to see fabric from the fit-along kits or any other FM fabric, but not required. Share with us what alterations you made too. Entries must be emailed by May 14th, 2016.A winner will be selected on May 16th.
Here are two of my wrap dresses. Melissa sewed the red one for the videos. I sewed the splatter print one afterwards.
One kit left HERE.
Kit available HERE.
Nakisha sewed up THIS kit. She looks amazing! Read her review of this pattern on the blog.
Although, the Fabric Mart Fit-Along is over, I can't help but keep thinking about it! I have personally referred back to the videos as reminders of what was done to my body so that I can use them when fitting other sewing patterns. How about you? Did you follow along as you fit the pattern on yourself? Did you use them as reference on how to look for particular fit issues on your body?
I can't wait to see all of your finished wrap dresses. Let's get a conversation started! Comment below about any alteration questions you have, what you thought of the fit-along and anything else in regards to the fit-along and pattern fitting.
Posted on April 28 2016
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