Cyber Monday Deal — Today Only!

$4.99 Standard Shipping within the Contiguous U.S.
+ DOUBLE Stash Cash Points!

Clear The Clearance!

Save an EXTRA 15% on our 70% Clearance Fabrics.
Discount applied. Final price as shown.

70% Off Knits!

Limited time only. Discount applied. Final price as shown.

Upholstery Fabric

$7.96 per yard. No limit!

Discount applied. Final price as shown.

Sue's Pick

Navy 100% Nylon Meandering Embroidered Sequins On Netting - Famous Dress Designer

Only $2.96 per yard! Limit 10 yards per customer.

New Arrivals

New fabrics added every day, Monday - Friday!

Julie's Picks Swatch Club

2025 Memberships are now sold out! Check back next fall for our sign ups for 2026!